Search Web Search Wikipedia

Grouping Concepts Temporally Instead of Topically, Using Wikipedia Data

There’s been so much talk about “vibes” in programming lately that it gave me an idea for a Wikipedia tool. If you accept the idea that Wikipedia page view data can be used as “fossilized attention” (indicators of public interest in a topic) then you can use information extracted from page view data — like […]

Google Search Web Search Wikipedia Updated – 16 Free Tools for Better Web Search

I learned so much overhauling WikiTwister that I immediately came up with several ideas for improving SearchTweaks, my collection of 16 web-based tools for making your web search better/easier/more interesting. After a very busy few days I have uploaded the new version and I’m delighted to share it with you. SearchTweaks is free to use […]

AI Google Google Books Mojeek Search Web Search

Using Google Books for Web Search: Concept Compassing

I’ve been spending my weekend playing with how Google Books could guide Web search after someone asked me about #3 in Five Ways Google Could Improve Search In 2025 That Have Nothing To Do With AI. How could Google Books make search better? I had some ideas and I applied JavaScript to them. After a few days of doodling around I’m at that point where I’ve got something that works so well I keep falling down rabbit holes playing with it. 😂

AI Reddit Search

A Reddit Search Which Offers Paths, Not a List

Recently, I’ve been following a lot of Internet culture news stories and discovered that Reddit has a lot of useful information and backstory that I’ve missed. I decided to create my own Reddit search tool, Reddit Paths. Since I had access to full search results *and* I didn’t have to pay for them, I further decided to do a little experimenting and stunting.


Looking at the Honey Scandal Via Wikipedia Seismograph

I’ve been fascinated with the Honey scandal as it’s spread around YouTube. Both the video by MegaLag that touched everything off (I urge you to go watch it unless you’ve got blood pressure problems, because it might make you pretty damn angry) and the reactions as YouTube influencers learn that they’ve been scammed (I am […]

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