Recently, I’ve been following a lot of Internet culture news stories and discovered that Reddit has a lot of useful information and backstory that I’ve missed. I decided to create my own Reddit search tool, Reddit Paths. Since I had access to full search results *and* I didn’t have to pay for them, I further decided to do a little experimenting and stunting.
Looking at the Honey Scandal Via Wikipedia Seismograph
I’ve been fascinated with the Honey scandal as it’s spread around YouTube. Both the video by MegaLag that touched everything off (I urge you to go watch it unless you’ve got blood pressure problems, because it might make you pretty damn angry) and the reactions as YouTube influencers learn that they’ve been scammed (I am […]
Exploring YouTube Channels Via Wikidata
My obsession with YouTube search has entered its second week. This time I’m playing with a way to browse YouTube channels while using Wikidata as context.
Wikipedia and YouTube: A Beautiful Search Mashup
After trying to trace an AI slopline from popular Wikipedia topics to YouTube, I decided to see if I could make a more general YouTube search that builds queries off Wikipedia pages. It works great!
Tracing a Slopline from Wikipedia to YouTube
I wanted to see if there was a connection between popular Wikipedia topics and produced slop so I knocked a tool together and called it Slopline; it checks Wikipedia by date for trending pages and checks YouTube by same date to see if the topics have been slopified into short, AI-heavy video.
Goofing Around With YouTube’s API (and Throwing In a Little AI)
I discovered the YouTube API this week and I’ve been using it to take out all my frustrations at YouTube’s terrible search offerings. I don’t know mobile, maybe it’s great on mobile, but YouTube’s search is balls on desktop. First I made a new channel search. Then, a video search. THEN, because I wanted a […]
Collab-O-Matic: Using AI To Create YouTuber Teamups
I’ve been thinking lately about using AI to aggregate and respond to current/contextual information as it seems to me that’s a better use of it than something as general as Web search. With Web search the AI requires a lot of contextual understanding and common sense which it doesn’t have, so you end up with […]
Web Search Where AI Is The Condiment And Not the Main Course
One of the reasons I’m not a big fan of AI search is that it doesn’t seem granular enough to me. That is to say, there’s not a lot of back-and-forth, patron interview type stuff so the AI is left to do a substantial amount of heavy lifting in the form of inferring all the […]
Making My Dream RSS Feed Reader
I’m continually thinking about ways to better find and curate content. Part of this is just a general desire to improve but part of it is because the social media is constantly shifting and tools are always coming and going.
With or without ancillary tools, RSS feeds have been an essential part of my efforts for decades now (I started learning about them in early 2000.) Lately — maybe in the last few years — I’ve started leaning on RSS even harder.
Machine-Visioning Match Game With Anthropic’s API
Sometimes as I’m learning JavaScript I feel stuck, like I’m spinning my wheels and not learning much. When that happens I tend to pick something low-stakes and silly to do to gain new skills — like maybe applying Anthropic’s machine vision API to old Match Game episodes?