Month: June 2024

Date Search Mojeek Wikipedia

Making Location-Based Timelines With Wikipedia, Wikidata, and Mojeek

I started learning JavaScript in Mayish 2022. I wanted to make tools to address some of the things I disliked about Google search, and after looking around it seemed like JavaScript was the best solution. So I signed up for a course, thrashed and flailed my way through 50 of the 59 lessons, and then […]

Information Trapping Mastodon

Keep An Eye on the Fediverse With the Mastodon Hashtag Monitor

Over 15 years ago I wrote a book called Information Trapping. It was about how to set up online monitors to find online information around certain keywords and keep it coming as a flow to you via tools like RSS, page monitors, etc. As you might imagine, Information Trapping’s resources and tool listings are very […]

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