I’m still working to add new sources to the United States Local News Search ( https://searchtweaks.com/lns/ ). It started with just TV stations and then I added newspapers. I’ve now added a third source: NPR member stations. In addition, I’ve done some cleaning and polishing and the program’s easier to use. US Local News Search is free, free of ads, and works best on desktop. Let me give you a quick tour.
Using US Local News Search
Enter a city and state. The Local News search finds the DMA (Designated Market Area) of a city and state, uses the FCC license database to find television stations serving that DMA, and also provides a list of newspapers and NPR member stations for that state via Wikipedia data.

The newspaper and NPR station resource lists are pretty long, so I’ve added tabs to browse the listings alphabetically as well as a keyword filter.

Those resources are presented to you in a checkbox’d list. Click the checkboxes of the resources you want to include in your search and, choose the date spans you want to search, add your own query terms, and away you go. Because of Google’s query limits, you may search only 25 sources at a time. A counter in the corner of the page will track how many boxes you’ve checked.

Once you’ve chosen the resources you want to search, you’ll find at the bottom of the page a place to add your own query words. By default the search is set for the last 30 days, but you can remove the date search entirely or, if you like date search, add more date ranges for multiple Google search URLs. Click the Generate Google Search URL button and a blue box containing a link to your Google search (or searches, if you picked multiple date spans) will pop in.

Click on the Google search URL and the result page will open in a new window. That’s all there is to it!

I still want to add more sources if I can find them; I like how this is turning out as a search! Stay tuned!